inkrypt videos

Ways To Protect Online Video Content From Downloading

Discover the best ways to protect your online video content from downloading and piracy. Learn how Inkrypt Videos can help you secure your videos with DRM encryption, watermarking, and more.

Videos are the most innovative method of disseminating information across different regions. They have become so common that users, primarily developers or students, prefer to watch a tutorial rather than read a guide or book. 

You must safeguard your digital assets if you are a content creator or work for an organization focused on information or education. Naturally, with this need comes the threat of piracy, and your videos may become a target of unauthorized downloading. Without your permission, your stolen content might be distributed again.

So, should you stop making videos and content altogether and uninstall your video players? Well, no, not at all. You should share your valuable knowledge in a market that will pay for it, whether you sell training videos on your website or operate an online education membership website. But you need to approach it wisely.

You must implement safety measures to stop video downloads and protect your content. This article will demonstrate several security measures for online content, including video files. Either you or a third party can complete it. So, what are the best methods for preventing video downloads?

What Is Required To Sell Your Video Content Securely Online?

To share and sell your video content safely, you need to decide on the platform where you want to host your videos. You can use one of many platforms to showcase your videos, including a website, social media channels, or third-party platforms. You must decide depending on factors such as your business requirements, budget, objectives, and safety.

A website is necessary to help users learn about your business, what you offer, and how you are helping them in making their life easier. It is a medium where you can connect with people around the world. It is also helpful in building trust among customers.

Having a business presence on social media platforms is also essential. Sharing content on these platforms can help you earn massive views and engagement in less time. It helps you engage with users and is an excellent source to make your business a brand. 

Although you get complete control of these platforms, sharing content directly on these channels is not secure to a great extent. Hosting videos on a secure and safe platform is advised, and then sharing the links on all other platforms. 

Reasons To Host Your Videos On Secure Online Video Platforms

You may have considered self-hosting your videos when confronted with the exorbitant prices charged by many Online Video Platforms. It is not a good idea because you will need to put in a lot of effort to add each of the following features:

  • Your video content will be securely streamed.
  • Analytics to help you understand who is watching your video content.
  • Video player customization.
  • Multiple bitrates and encoding options are available for multi-screen streaming.
  • Creating a Content Delivery Network and Cloud Storage (CDN).

Ways To Secure Your Video Files From Downloading Or Getting Stolen

You must be asking yourself at this point, ‘How do I prevent downloads of my videos?’ Therefore, let’s examine how to halt downloads without the aid of a third party.

1-DRM Encryption:

Video encryption is the most widely used content protection technology. Personal encryption and Digital Rights Management (DRM) are the two types of encryption.

The former is used for personal video privacy, such as sharing videos with friends, family members, and customers. Meanwhile, the latter either temporarily or permanently locks your videos. It is also affected by regions, software, devices, and adaptive streaming.

For videos already downloaded or stored on hard drives, also known as ‘videos at rest,’ several encryption options are available, like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Encrypting videos in motion or videos in streaming requires RTMFP/RTMP(E) and HTML5 DRM.

2-Dynamic Watermarking:

With a dynamic video watermark, user information such as email addresses, IP addresses, names, and phone numbers can be added as an overlay to the video. In the event of a video leak, you could determine the source of the piracy. Using a dynamic watermark on your videos can prevent the recording from other devices or cameras. It also assists in geo-restriction. For instance, if you want to block some IPs or regions, you can easily do so.

3-Copyright Your Content

Copyrighting your course protects your creative work. You can only monetize it or allow others to do so. Images, graphs, texts, videos, and PDFs are copyrighted. It proves ownership of your online course assets and is easier to register than a trademark. This will help if someone claims your course.


Host your videos on the Inkrypt platform for sharing and selling content securely without letting others download them. We will secure your video content with DRM encryption, backend authentication, dynamic watermarking, and more. You can contact us anytime if you have any queries or want to get our services.

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