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How to Choose the Right DRM Software for Your Video Content

DRM software

DRM SoftwareWhen it comes to protecting creative work, the Internet is like the Wild West of the digital world. Sharing digital files outside your secure network exposes your intellectual property to theft and exploitation by third parties.

The Digital Rights Management system(DRM) is a solution to the problem of losing control of your digital files when sharing your data.

DRM can range from simple (a PDF read-only file) to complex (requiring recipients to install the proper software to access files.)

However, traditional approaches hampered the development and implementation of DRM for IP protection. They were either too simple to crack, unable to prevent theft, or difficult to use without making the victim feel harassed.

Fortunately, new DRM methods have simplified and reduced the cost of implementing the procedure. Digital rights management can now be used by all businesses that need to distribute content without giving up control.

The challenge now is determining which DRM is best for your business needs. Let’s start with what DRM is and How it works.

What is DRM?

Access to protected digital content is monitored and managed by a system called digital rights management (DRM). Digital rights management (DRM) is a method of securing digital content against theft and tampering. Another definition of digital rights management is transferring ownership of digital files from their original owner to a computer system.

The proliferation of digital content via P2P file sharing, torrent sites, and online piracy has increased the significance of digital rights management (DRM). Protecting client data, assuring and verifying compliance, boosting operational efficiency, and reducing downtime are some cybersecurity concerns that many businesses confront.

Through DRM, creators of books, songs, movies, and other forms of media can specify and regulate how the public uses their works. This prevents their media from being stolen or redistributed unlawfully, safeguards their creative and financial investment, and protects their copyrighted property. To prevent potential legal trouble caused by improper use, they can restrict access to certain assets. This is necessary for the defense of intellectual property and copyright.

Explaining Digital Rights Management Mechanisms

Many people have been stealing digital items since the early days of the Internet when it was possible to access anything with a few mouse clicks. Although some people intentionally steal content in today’s digital world to avoid paying for it. Many people are unaware they are breaking the law by including illegal and uncredited images in their blog posts. However, some individuals and businesses have devised sophisticated methods of stealing and using your content in fraudulent activities such as selling counterfeit goods.

Because it impedes the creation of new online content, digital rights management is effective. Businesses should use cutting-edge DRM tactics and tools to protect their licensed content. 

Have you ever encountered a brand that wouldn’t let you right-click on an image and select “Save image as?” This example of copy protection is intended to prevent others from duplicating your company’s original creations.

To protect your brand from people sharing old content (such as old logos), which may have an expired license or isn’t approved to be published, you should implement some form of permission management, which could be as simple as adding people to the appropriate user group in digital asset management (DAM) system or as complex as restricting access to specific IP addresses. Digital rights management (DRM) is divided into two categories in its most basic form: copy protection and permission management.

Copy Protection

Copy protection is a type of digital rights management (DRM) that uses encryption to allow access to digital content to only authorized devices or software. Digital watermarks, fingerprinting, and copy-restricting features such as rootkit software are examples of copy protection.

Permission Management

Software keys and licensing, user authentication and IP authentication methods, proxies, VPNs, geoblocking, and designing specific hardware or software can help you manage permissions. With this, you can ensure that only authorized people get access to data and information.

When selecting a DRM, it is critical to consider the seven factors listed below.

  • What type of content are you protecting?

If the wrong people get their hands on these programs, it could spell disaster for your company.

DRM systems protect PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, movies, photos, and audio files. At the same time, some solutions, especially free DRM software, may safeguard a single file type like PDFs.

  • How much security do you need?

Traditional DRM software may be sufficient if you only want to allow people to download, print, and copy PDFs.

Is it critical that your recipients agree to terms of access (similar to a non-disclosure agreement)? Would analytics tracking user activity (seeing who saw your files, for how long, and where) benefit your business?

Traditional DRM solutions lack such features, whereas modern DRM solutions provide an all-in-one integrated solution that secures your documents while providing vital data on how others interact with your files.

  • Who is your target audience?

Do you sell digital products such as eBooks or training manuals, and if so, to who should you send your files? Will you only share files with collaborating staff members? Will you reveal confidential information to your board of directors or prospective investors?

An on-site solution using software that runs on your secure network could address staff-only sharing. Employees are accustomed to using company software systems and would not be burdened by additional software. However, a service like this may limit access to the file to keep files within the network system.

When interacting with stakeholders outside your organization, such as board members, investors, and customers, you must ensure that they can access the file from anywhere, on any device, and that they do so over a secure network.

  • User Experience

It would be best if you considered who will use your DRM solution and how they will use it. Users should not be bothered by a complicated system requiring extra steps.

On the other hand, if you’re letting other people into your system, usability is critical. You may lose clients or investors if they need to install special software to view your data.

  • End-User IT Environment

The IT environment of the sender and recipient will also play a role in selecting the best DRM solution. Would using an internal system make creating and managing files more difficult for you and your staff?

There are numerous factors to consider, such as whether your recipients are permitted to download software from the company network, which may make them hesitant to download an additional app or software to view your files.

  • Cloud hosting vs on-premises hosting?

Consider whether you and your team are ready to take on another software that requires installation, maintenance, and support. Also, ensure how often you’ll have to deal with it, regardless of whether you host the solution or use a third-party cloud service.

Some people prefer cloud-based solutions because the service provider handles technical support.

  • Set a Budget

Lastly, your financial resources for a DRM solution are arguably the most critical factor.

Of course, free options are available on the Internet, but will they be enough to protect your ideas and files?

Installing and training a system in-house can necessitate a significant upfront investment, new hardware, and valuable employee time.


With a web-based solution, you can have your system up and running in less than a day, and the monthly or annual fee is something you can budget for.

Contact a reputable DRM team today to learn more about the benefits of DRM solutions to ensure that only authorized users can access the data and systems. Inkrypt Videos Team, with the world-leading technology in video security, will assist you throughout all the steps for the optimum security level. Read also every thing about Netflix DRM here.

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