inkrypt videos

Video Encryption

encrypted video hosting

Understanding the Costs of Encrypting Streaming Video

Encrypting streaming video is crucial for protecting contents from unauthorized access and ensuring the privacy of users. However, implementing encryption can introduce various costs, both in terms of finances and system performance. Understanding these costs is essential for media companies, … Read More

YouTube's video encryption methods

Securing Your Content: YouTube’s Video Encryption Measures

In the contemporary digital age, securing video content has become paramount for content creators and platforms alike. YouTube, as the largest video-hosting platform in the world, has implemented sophisticated encryption measures to protect the videos uploaded by millions of its … Read More

Video Delivery Platform

How to Choose the Best Video Delivery Platforms with CDN & Encryption

With digitalization, new and innovative technologies come every other day. The video delivery platform is one of the most important new technologies. Getting a streaming service up and running involves a wide range of technical details. Over time, platforms like … Read More